
February 27, 2012

*That feeling you get when you just finish hearing a really deep poem
Ms.Farago assigned us to watch a video on youtube today.
(Heres the link if you want to watch it too - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTZrPVqR0D8)
Basically its a guy up on stage performing a poem that he wrote about his father and how much he idolized him and how it felt when his father left him to serve time in jail and the duties that he had to learn to take on without him. I actually got the shivers watching this video. Its very raw with emotion, and I can relate seeing as how I was raised by a single father. Ms.Farago wants us to relate this to "The Help", so I think that this video can relate to "The Help" in the way that he had to be strong to live his life to the fullest and not keep thinking about where his father was, in "The Help" the maids had to be strong so that they could work and provide for their families.

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be nice :*