
March 25, 2012

*That moment you realize you are so good at blogging, that you have the potential of becoming the next Perez Hilton

I was given the topic: Who was responsible for Juliet’s death?
Weeeeellllllllllllllllllllllll, I think that it was obviously Juliet herself! Sure, her parents were forcing her into marriage with a guy that she didn’t want to marry but it was her decision to take sleeping med’s and accidentally fool her loverboy into thinking she was dead which led him into poisoning himself! Therefore leading herself into committing suicide when she saw his dead body beside her! You can’t blame all of that on her parents. Be honest, let’s say you’re parents were to take you shopping and you wanted a Jansport but they ended up buying you a mountain hikers backpack and you threatened to kill yourself, but they still bought it for you, and that night you went home and stabbed yourself. Is that your parents fault? Or is it your fault because of your own stupidity, over exaggerating a situation? I choose the ladder. If Juliet was the one to stick the knife through her chest, it was ultimately her choice. Her life was literally in her hands and she decided to end it. I understand the situation she was in was tough for her, but if she was a strong women she would have went through it and made a better life for her children. Instead she ended her life early. She could have eventually fallen in love with Paris, she never even gave him a try! I even believe Romeo and Juliet’s relationship was based on lust not love! Did they ever sit down to really talk about everything when they met? Nooo, he just liked her for her appearance! Okay okay, now that I am done ranting i would like to conclude this reinstating my answer, it was Juliet’s fault.


1 comment:

  1. Great post Fola - just watch your slang!


be nice :*